Friday, 1 February 2013


Week 4-- Changes Happened

”Change is ineveitable.“
                                           -----Tony Robbins

The one thing in life you can absolutely count on is that circumstances will continually change. This is  the overarching theme for today’s lesson: Changes. I think this is not only for today's lesson. Changes happened every day. And all topics we have already covered are all about changes. How technology make all these changes. And what we covered today is about the drivers of world change, change management and change leadership.

Drivers of World Change
The first part of session, we talk about the drivers of change. There are quite number of reasons.  Environmental, Scientific discovery & Technology innovation, Social / Demographic / Cultural / Ideological, Commercial innovation. Because of these drives/reasons, change happens. However, I think these reasons are not the main driver. The main driver is people's ambitious to make an improvement. Hence, prof points out that the one who is most successful, is the one who embrace the change. I also memebered one quote, which is " Don’t fear change, embrace it." This is very true that whether you like changes or not, it is happening. We cannot change the direction of the world, but we can adjust our sails to always reach our destination.

According what I get from class is that competiton is the major drive for changes. This can link back to last week's concept, "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else." Doing something else is to make a change. Forget what you have already have and create new things. This can also link back to our second session, the article "Innovation in the reset world". Recall the reading, people need to selectively abandoning things from the past and create future. This means that people need to make changes so that can imporve and be competitive. One famous example is Apple and Samsung. These two company are the most powerful mobile phone companies in the world. They compete with each other and invent different types of product for customers.

Evolutionary vs Revolutionary Change
We touched on the idea of Revolutionary and Evolutionary change, where revolutionary change refers to the type of change that is one with humongous impact and where changes made are mainly irreversible ones. ‘Disruptive changes’ are usually revolutionary changes as lives will most likely have to rearranged to accommodate such changes.

And I have some questions here. Due to revolutionary change is irreversible, does it mean that it oftern happens in political change? And evolutionary changes often used in companies?

Change Management and Change leadership

The first thing we point out in class in the differences between manager and leader. Leader is the one who create/come out things. Manager is the one who move things forward. This also related to what we learned last week, which is "The R-D-A Translation Process".  Leaders develop ideas, and translate the version into something real and easy to follow. Managers applicant ideas and make it works. Hence, changes happened.
Then we recall what we learn in session two, Rising stars vs Falling stars. The idea we learned in week two is to be open minded, so that you can improve and progress. The idea we get from this week is to adapt changes, so that you can improve and progress.

"The world hates change, yet it is the only thing that has brought progress "
                                                                                                         ~ Charles Kettering
Hence, embrace change is the only way to improve.

I felt that today’s lesson gave me a good idea of the many different forms of change and how in fact they fall under 2 huge umbrellas: Evolutionary and Revolutionary. And give us a clear picture of the advantages of embrace changes. If we cannot change the changes, just accept it and make better use of it. Hence, I will give 8.5/10.

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